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Covenant Peace Publications Presents:
Battle Prayer for Divine Healing - FM2
Releasing God's Healing Power When You Need It.
Field Manual 2 (FM2) as requested by pastors and ministers
What to do if your first prayer did not appear to work?
FM2: a step-by-step guide to divine healing in any situation
Your daily-use tool, or emergency kit, for more results in divine healing.
What to do when healing does not come, when the first prayer does not seem to work? God still wants you healed, but now you have to battle to win. God says, "My people are destroyed by lack of knowledge," not administrative decisions by God. Miracle Healing can be yours. Jesus is the exact representation of Father God and He never said "No" to one of His for healing. If you are a Christian, His will is always the same, "Now is the Day of Salvation for those who will take the Kingdom by force." Matt 11:12 We show you how to do it the Jesus Way.
Keith S: "I listened to the FM2 audio book every day on my
2 hour commute each way. Then I went to Africa, and using what I learned, worked over 100 instant-healing miracles in 5 days. I lost count because of the crowds, but the joy was amazing!"
Click Here: Now available at Amazon.com
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Battle Prayer for Divine Healing, FM 2
Releasing God's Healing Power When You Need It.
From the Back Cover:
This book is a step by step scriptural guide on how to pray so God can heal through you.
The key Bible principles for building and releasing faith are presented in a clear and direct style so you can quickly work with God to get the healing results you need.
Use this book as a spiritual first aid kit in times of trouble, as a tool for a more effective ministry, and as a study guide so you can grow in Christ and the power of Holy Spirit. For Christians at every level, Battle Prayer for Divine Healing, Field Manual 2 is for you!
You will discover how to:
- Develop your confidence to know with certainty that God has always been the Healer and will heal through you today
- Experience the peace of knowing what to do and how to get powerful answered prayer
- Feel love grow as you learn how to make a difference in any situation
- Learn the attitudes of prayer in Jesus’ name that always allow God to move
- Feel the joy as people are healed and lives improved by your ministry
- Learn how to “cram” in times of crises, just like a student before exams, to release God's healing hand
- Watch evil fear bow as you gain confidence in God from the hundreds of scriptures in this manual
- Walk in the clarity and focus that builds the faith path that God needs to heal others, or yourself in time of trouble
- Experience your faith soaring to increased power with God no matter what your level of Christian experience.
These teachings have enabled thousands of people to grow in God and see His hand move in supernatural healing. Buy this book and watch God perform miracles as you use the awesome name of Jesus. Healing is in the heart of the Christian. Get this book and transform your faith to higher levels. Move into your greater destiny. Get this book today!
Why delay? God wants to heal more through you now - get your copy today!
Paper back, hard back, eBook, audio book and durable versions available
See sample pages: Battle Prayer for Divine Healing, FM2
Battle Prayer for Divine Healing, FM2: Book Description
Now at Amazon.com: Click Here
Get your copy now: $29.99 Go to Resources
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All the POWER TRILOGY books in audio book format are divided into two volumes each. To get and entire book on audio book requires both volumes. Each volume is sold separately or in discounted bundles.
For your convenience, the audio books are available in two formats, CD and MP3 disc.
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- Vol 1, Healing Teachings and Scriptures
- 8 CD Set $54.99 Go to Resources
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- Vol 2, Minister Confession, Battle Prayer and Glossary
- 9 CD Set $54.99 Go to Resources
- 1 MP3 $54.99 Go to Resources
Battle Prayer for Divine Healing - FM2
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Battle Prayer for Divine Healing - FM2
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A little about Donald Mann (from the back cover).
Donald C. Mann met Jesus in the dynamic 70’s in God’s power. Don saw how Bible principles helped him grow businesses hundreds of millions of dollars and disciple new believers to more healing power with God and love in their lives. Ever practical, and with 35 years of ministry, he gives biblical tools that work. Don is currently president of RiteMann, a business growth consultancy, and leads Covenant Peace Ministries to demonstrate the dynamic power of God in supernatural ministry.
For more about Donald, click here.
From the Front Dustcover Flap:
Do you know someone who is in need of divine healing and intervention? Do you have a loved one in a medical crisis, physical or mental? What would you do if you got that dreaded call for a loved one who had been in an accident, and whose life was hanging by a thread?
- How would you pray when the doctor says there is no hope?
- What do you do when your heart is in your hands, and you can’t think straight to battle for the life of your loved one?
- How do you increase your faith now, when your gut and the entire world is telling you there is no hope?
- What do you do when short prayers do not seem to get the job done?
- What do you do when you need answers?
The answer is this book, Battle Prayer for Healing, Field Manual 2.
Rather than a theoretical discussion of Christian Divine Healing, it is a tool for ordinary Christians, pastors and workers to use in ministering divine healing in the fields of everyday life.
The book contains two main parts. First are various teachings, hundreds of healing scriptures and affirmations to help stir you up into believing God to heal.
The second part is the Battle Prayer itself, which has 28 different prayers, some short and some long. Combined, they give tools to minister for seconds, minutes, hours, days or weeks, as necessary.
Pastors first used the shorter version, consisting of the just the Battle Prayer. That was Field Manual 1. After seeing success, they requested more material for teaching and longer times of personal spiritual development. So we expanded with teaching sections, healing scriptures, faith building affirmations, and a glossary of commonly misunderstood Bible terms. All of this is aimed for a deeper understanding of God’s healing promises and to build confidence, per 1 John 5:14-15.
Thus the Battle Prayer for Divine Healing, Field Manual 2 was born.
From the Back Dustcover Flap:
In Battle Prayer for Divine Healing, Field Manual 2, Don Mann, a successful scientist, businessman, and long time Christian minister shows God’s core principles for building faith to release His healing power. If you thought this was only for the deeper life, you will be astounded at how basic releasing God’s healing power really is.
From learning the truth about God and the true source of sickness, to laying the foundation and adopting the right attitudes that allows God to heal through people, Battle Prayer for Divine Healing, Field Manual 2 shows you how to build your faith and how to release Holy Spirit in healing power.
Don gives you the biblical truth and the step-by-step processes for renewing your mind to build confidence in God, and proven techniques so you can fight the faith battle and hold onto the eternal life of God to get healing when you need it.
Get your copy today!
FM2 Divine Healing Teachings: Recordings of conference meetings going over the Battle Prayer with active prayers in each session.
Click Here for more information. [Look for the red rose in the downloads section: ]
Get these FREE TEACHINGS and listen to them 3-6 hours a day just like going to a divine healing room.
No one need die or give up their inheritance due to sickness when healing is found in the name of Jesus.
Use these if you missed any of our Skype Healing Sessions. Jesus is Lord through you!
FREE divine healing teachings from "The Battle Prayer for Divine Healing - Field Manual 2 (FM2)"
What to do when healing does not come? What to do when you get a terminal diagnosis from the doctor, or a bad report, you are dying? If not for you, what about for a loved one? God spent Jesus to get you or them healed. This is the will of God. The answer is here!
This is the book for you if the first prayer did not get the miracle manifestation you need so you can get it anyway, as Dr. John Lake demonstrated with over 200,000 people healed in 10 years.
Don teaches from the FM2 book, in a conference call format, to expand your understanding and increase your power in healing the sick or yourself. This is a complete Bible college, seminary, class on divine healing, miracle healing or faith healing that works.
These files are by FM2 book page number in MP3 audio files. Listen to them on your computer or download them to your cell phone, MP3 player, laptop or iPad. Put them on a flash drive and give a set to your friends, or use them for a Bible study.
These are taught to expand on what had to be limited to keep the FM2 at a reasonable printed size, and includes updated scripture revelations and testimonies from actual experience. This is a "behind the scenes" look at divine healing truth from the Scriptures.
This is the best of an on-line Bible study on divine healing in the name of Jesus to produce miracle results.
This is the best we know how to give you to make you successful in divine healing in the name of Jesus. It works if you work it. We teach you how to fight the "good fight of faith" and how to "hold onto eternal zoe life" for releasing our great and good God for divine success into your need.
Want to build your faith for divine healing? Get this FREE series.
Reverse your end-of-life, terminal sickness, terminally ill, progressive disease, infection, dying, life-threatening diagnosis, immanent, imminent death, fatal, incurable, killing, mortal, limiting, closing, clear-cut, or ultimate diagnosis. Did you get frightening, bad news? Have they talked to you or someone you know about hospice? Whether you suffer from heart failure, heart disease, chronic lung problems, COPD, cancer, leukemia, back pain, neck pain, joint trouble, kidney disease, stroke, AIDS, neurological conditions like Parkinson's disease, ALS, Alzheimer's and similar conditions, or other serious, or potentially terminal illnesses, we are here to help you. How does managing your terminal illness to full healing sound to you? There is hope in God. What do you do now? Get this FREE resource. It is FREE so you can get it and use it now and reverse this bad news by the grace of God.
Click here to get this FREE powerful tool for you to take control of your life.
Is this you? “They told me I have ___ hours, days, weeks, or months to live. What do I do now? Who can help me? Do you think God really cares? Can God do me any good?” In a word, yes, God cares and He helps through people. We can help with the power of the name of Jesus.
Contact us and let us know what is going on. Contact us. Then get this free resource and start listening right away. Each session has prayers for those listening to get healed in and by the name of Jesus.
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